Our flagship cable:
"The Nth Degree"
NCF Edition
"To the nth degree" - a phrase meaning
"To the utmost degree; without limit".
With a choice of Furutech's new CF-102 NCF RCAs,
or Furutech CF-601M NCF & CF-602F NCF XLRs

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The best analogue cable we know how to make...
So what happens if you throw everything you know at making a pure silver cable perform "to The Nth Degree", without worrying about the cost?
The answer: "pure magic"! We're very excited indeed about the performance of this cable.
The Nth Degree will make your equipment sing to its highest potential, thus maximising the emotional impact of musical performances.
These are not only the best cables we've ever made - we genuinely believe they will stand comparison with the best in the world. And as you've come to expect from Artisan Silver Cables: at a fraction of the price...
Construction of the cable:
Eight pure silver conductors - each individually insulated in over-sized Teflon tubing (creating a predominantly ideal air dielectric) and arranged in a braided configuration which naturally rejects outside EMI and RF interference.
So far, this is the same as our best-selling Ultimate Silver Dream interconnects, but here's where it starts to differ:
The cable used has had Deep Cryogenic Treatment.
In addition, the whole assembly is shielded - using lessons that we learned about how to make effective shielding that doesn't interfere with a cable's musicality, when we were designing our Ultimate Digital Dream flagship digital cable
(now replaced by The Nth Degree Digital). The shielding further improves the rejection of external interference, in addition to the effect of the braided configuration.
Twice as much silver - half the resistance: More significantly, the shielding allows us to wire all eight pure silver conductors to the signal-carrying positive pin and the shielding is then wired to the return. Thus, twice as many pure silver conductors are dedicated to carrying the delicate musical signal, which therefore meets just half of the (already very low) electrical resistance found in the Ultimate Silver Dream.
We then fit connectors suitable for a flagship cable - see below:
September 2022: after 6 years of The Nth Degree remaining essentially unchanged, because we couldn't see a way of improving it any further, Furutech have now handed us the answer with their stunning new flagship RCA connectors.
We were already using Furutech's previous flagship connectors (CF-102R), which we thought couldn't be any better, but Furutech have proved us wrong!
The Nth Degree NCF Edition now uses Furutech's new flagship connectors,
the CF-102 NCF - incorporating nano-crystal technology!

Furutech's new flagship RCAs build further on the remarkable strengths of the previous plugs.
Full details of the new CF-102 NCF here.
Furutech claim the sound quality benefits over the previous CF-102R plugs as follows:
"Delivering improvements in the depth and focus of the sound stage, harmonics, and tonal balance. Low frequencies are cleaner, with a greater sense of definition made possible by a lowered noise floor."
They weren't kidding! We're pleased to say that yes, you can easily hear those improvements when fitted to the new Nth Degree NCF Edition cables - you hear even deeper into every texture, but always in a very
music-friendly way - the music improves from top to bottom: we're delighted with the results.
Apart from that, what we wrote about the previous connectors remains true for the new ones:
They are very expensive, but their build quality is literally second-to-none - and they really do affect the overall sound very positively.
People question how a plug can have a sound. In fact it is more a question of it having no sound - which is of course the "Holy Grail" of high-end music reproduction. Obsessive design detailing and construction remove all sources of sound degradation which normally occur in audio connectors:
1.) Eddy currents which can appear inside plugs are prevented from occurring by careful design and material choices.
2.) The construction and materials used serve to reject external sources of RF and EM interference - (and the new NCF material has superb physical damping qualities, further reducing the effects of physical vibrations on the plugs, the cables and the equipment they are plugged into).
3.) The internal connections are extremely secure and solder-free - minimising signal loss and eliminating any effects of solder on the sound quality.
4.) Finally, they are a locking design: plug them in and then tighten the collars: the plugs then grip tightly onto your equipment's RCA sockets, for an ultra-secure and low-loss connection.
For more information on the new
Furutech CF-102 NCF plugs, click here.

Click image to enlarge
December 2022: Five months after they were introduced, the NCF Edition XLR connectors are finally now available in the UK, so that is the connector we now use - see picture above.
These offer similar improvements to the RCAs as described above.
For now, the price of the finished cables remains the same.
So, if you need balanced XLR cables, we now use the new
Furutech CF-601M NCF & CF-602F NCF XLRs.
In our opinion, these are the world's finest XLR connectors.
Expensive, but worth it!
The original (non-NCF version) are the XLR connectors that were used by the £10,000+ "Absolute Dream" XLR interconnects from Crystal Cable.
For more information on the Furutech CF-601M NCF & CF-602F NCF XLR plugs, please click here.
How Does it Sound?
When hi-fi components and accessories have no sound of their own, all you are left with is the music - flowing unimpeded and naturally in all its glory.
We got quite a surprise when we first plugged The Nth Degree interconnects into our audiophile test system.
Even casual non-audiophile listeners wanted to know what significant upgrade had been done.
*A very full-bodied sound, full of energy and life. Voices & instruments seem to "glow" from the inside.
*Natural or studio reverb is resolved all the way in and there is a sense of hearing every available bit of mid-range texture (like the effect of a really good pair of high-end headphones).
*Bass is rollicking and full-blooded, with a very convincing rhythmic "swing" (like a well-fettled high-end direct-drive or idler-drive turntable).
*Treble sounds convincing and natural - super-extended, silkily refined & completely devoid of nasties.
*The whole spectrum seems to hang together convincingly and all frequencies feel in time with each other.
*Digital sources seem to sound more "analogue". The overall sound flows in a self-assured, easy way. It is luscious, propulsive and realistic - it accentuates the positive while not glossing over information.
Customer feedback March 2016:
"I dread to think what you would need to spend on an alternative cable to even come close to this audio supremacy!!" Read Tom's full review here.

Connector type:
Order The Nth Degree interconnects here:
The Furutech plugs are ordered separately for each order of The Nth Degree.
Also, we will burn in the cable for you for 48 hours, at no extra cost.
30 days no-quibble trial period: if these cables don't produce the desired effect in your hi-fi system, send them back for a full refund.
Available in sizes from half a metre to 1.75 metres.
Please choose the size required and whether you want RCA or XLR connectors from the drop-down menus below: