Feedback 2014
(newest first):
December 2014
[Ultimate Silver Dream interconnects]
"Hello Alister.
I am very glad with the Artisan Silver Cables, so I´m back to place a new order. I’d like to be able to write a feedback, but I fear that my poor English not be understandable.
When I read for the first time about ASC I immediately associated , silver = bright sound, but when I read all the reviews and feedbacks I found, I thought that maybe I was
wrong and I should try them personally. Today I have the natural and transparent sound long time I looked for, without any veil that prevent them displayed as they are.
Thank you very much.
Kindest regards.
Carlos Cabrera"
November 2014
[Silver Dream interconnects (5 pairs)] [From our Facebook page]
"Today I got my 5 Artisan Silver Dream Cables.
First I have to say, that my system was always optimized for extreme spatial resolution, especially in depth: A Wyred 4 Sound DAC-2 feeding a Spectral DMC-12 preamp modified with Khozmo discrete step attenuator. The Spectral feeds 2 active crossovers (German RMS Audio SX-1 and AFW-1) which drive German handcrafted Capaciti Element 160 full range elctrostatic speakers and two RIPOL subwoofers through Spectral DMA-100 S and Pass Lab...s X 150.5 amplifiers.
The cables are running just since some hours - and are of course far away from being broken in. They improve from minute to minute. But even now I can say that these cables reveal details in spatial resolution I have never heard before on my music material. And most of my music I know through listening with a Wadia 860 X with Stax Omega 2 headphones also. I am not talking about minor improvements. I am talking about WTF is on my CD / FLAC material never heard before? It is like switching from mono to 3D. And the impulse response is tremendous. I used several different cables before, Monster Sigma Retro Gold, van den Hul, Fadel and Kimber. I love your cables. CONGRATULATIONS!"
[Silver Dream interconnects]
"Hi Alister
I have received the cable and I am excited to tell you that the cable is just amazing, I can notice a great different in terms of sound stage and details even before the cable has reached the 48 hours run in period.
My cousin, Wey Hsien who has share his review with you recently, has advised me to try out your silver cable before deciding to upgrade my equipment. I am glad that I have taken his advice.
I am planning to change my other cables to artisan silver. I am planning to purchase a pair of ultimate silver dream with xlr connector and one digital dream cable with BNC to RCA...
[Ultimate Digital Dream digital interconnect]
"Hello Alister
I have now had the time to review the cable and must say, I am very satisfied.
It replaced a Nordost Blue Heaven, which by the way is also a great cable, and I use it between a Cyrus StreamX2 and a Mcintosh D100 DAC/Preamp. The power amplifiers are Vincent SPT 800 monoblocks upgraded with NOS tubes from Mullard, Mazda and Amperex. Speakers are Vincent LX 310 floorstanders.
The Ultimate Digital Dream simply gives me more of what I try to do with my system, which is to get the best possible analogue sound (I can afford) from digital media.
I have come a long way in achieving this, and my system sounds better (in my ears J) than most of the turntable based systems I have heard at demos.
With good recordings and hi-res music I get a huge soundstage, very natural, detailed voices and a musical sound.
All of this has taken a step further with The Ultimate Digital Dream, and all music just sounds better and more “right”.
With some very good recordings, it just seems like the walls in my room vanish, and the music is flowing unrestrained in the air, which I have never experienced before The Ultimate Digital Dream came into my system.
Thank You for a great cable !!!
Greetings from Denmark
October 2014
[Ultimate Silver Dream interconnects]
"Greetings Alister...
...I purchased a pair of the USD between my CD player (Wadia 381) and my Pre amp (Eastern Electric Avant - valve tube) and very impressed, hence the further purchases. Excellent product and very competitively priced. They have outdone my Kimber Kable 1030 interconnect which was over a £1000 when purchased 4-5 years ago.
Best regards
[Ultimate Digital Dream]
"Hi Alister
I have received your cable and it is running in nicely (no dropouts like some cables I have tested)
I took the decision a while ago to spend time looking at cables and tweaks to my system rather than change the boxes.
I have to say I am very impressed on first listening and made my previous cable sound flat in comparison. The Ultimate Digital Dream is an extremely revealing cable. The level of detail and space offered is incredible it seems to major in micro dynamics but never at the cost to the music.
The ability to enhance and portray the atmosphere of a recording is difficult but your cable just does this naturally allowing the listener to pick out every instrument with ease. The effect on the lower frequencies is just what I was looking for. Bass drums and bass guitar are easier to pick out and follow but never boom or mask the music. In all it is a well rounded, natural sounding cable that adds to the enjoyment of listening.
Many thanks
[Ultimate Digital Dream XLR]
"Wow! Your ultimate digital dream aes ebu cable is just so so amazing! Really works very well on my system! I used it to connect my moon mind180 streamer to my bryston bda-1 dac (and connect using ultimate silver dream xlr to audio research ls17se tube preamp), everything just sound so real now. I can hear more details on the high and the bass become fuller, space opens up further and position of instrument more defined!
Some people say silver cables are too sharp, but in my system, it just sound real and not too sharp at all. I have made the right decision in upgrading the digital cables instead of my dac and preamp. I have auditioned some higher end dac and preamp at the shop, maybe because their components and cables are different, I find my system sound better now with the new cables.
Thanks Alister for producing such great cables!
Best regards,
Wey Hsien"
[From our Facebook page]
Tom Williams: "I love these cables. They have brought new life to my hifi and music collection. Simply worthwhile, musical and beautiful."
["Silver Dream" RCA interconnects]
"Dear Alister
Your silver dream arrived safely and is now being run in though I would be very surprised if it sounded at its best after a mere 48 hours.
My initial impression is of a relaxed, open, very transparent cable with a wide sound stage. It is also delicate and subtle with a very pleasing tonal quality, woodwinds and strings invariably sound very beautiful and voices, especially female sound un-mechanical and supple. All very impressive...
...You are no doubt aware that people like Russ Andrews claim that all cables are directional and recommend swapping ends to pick the better result. It would be premature to do this before burn in and yours are rather delicate so it is unlikely that I would disturb them, but I would be interested in your comments on the directionality of your cables!
With best wishes
September 2014
A great review for the "Ultimate Silver Dream" interconnects, from Hi-fi Choice magazine:
[Ultimate Silver Stream Double Purity USB cable]
"Dear Alister
Thanks for your outstanding product - I was really impressed with sound improvement provided by your "Double Purity" USB cable in comparison to my standard Furutech Formula 2 USB cable!...
[Silver Dream RCA interconnects]
"Hi Alister
Just to say the cables have arrived safely thanks and I connected the Astin Trew CD to my Croft pre last night. The difference was immediate and I ran them for about 4 hours last night and will be very interested to see how they are after they have more fully “burnt in”. I have never heard so much detail from a CD player and amazing room filling sound.
First CD on, was one of my Aunt, Marian Mc Partland on piano with a quartet of sax, drums and bass, a studio recording. I am very familiar with how she sounds from “hanging out” in the studio or at clubs in the US , so to hear the CD sounding so real was a revelation. Sadly Marian is no longer with us but I have many of her recordings on CD and vinyl.
Looking forward to trying further recordings. I know this cable is getting everything from the Astin Trew so when funds permit I will look at upgrading or changing the AT3000 to AT35000 plus spec if possible as I know the cable will easily demonstrate any improvements and the balance of the player suits my system.
I can imagine your cables almost being too good for some less refined CD players as they are so revealing and open.
Thanks again for your excellent service.
Best Wishes
[Silver Dream Mark II headphone cable for Sennheiser HD-650]
"I'll take this opportunity to mention again what a great experience I've had with the cable so far - I haven't tested *all* of the alternatives back to back, but I'm getting fantastic, clear sound using yours and the overall build quality is superb...
[Silver Dream interconnects]
I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how I'm getting on with the Silver Dream cables I recently bought from you.
Firstly, I'm enjoying your website and the professional way in which it has been put together. My wife and I have been going through the music you love section and this has been most rewarding as we've now found a host more artists to track and get music from.
Anyway to the cables. It's quite simple really. Since they've been installed into my system we've listened to a lot more music. Everything is clearer, the instruments have separated, and there is more clarity in the various tones of the music. Bass is tighter, and more solid; mids are less muffled and clearer, and I can hear cymbals (the first time for a very long time due to a hearing loss problem). I'm sure that the cables will get better given more time. I'm delighted, thanks very much and keep up the good work. They have made such a difference to my listening enjoyment.
Oh, and I also appreciated your review of the recent Brighton Show. If it's on next year I will try and get down there.
Best wishes,
David Booth
August 2014
[Ultimate Silver Dream interconnects]
Hi Alister
Thanks very much for sending the cables which arrived safely.
I have had them installed now since Thursday and I am really delighted with the difference they have made in my system. Audioflair who stock Audionote and Croft suggested a silver cable in my system and your cable is excellent. Bass goes deep but is much more controlled and tuneful.
All source components benefit: tuner, CD but especially the Rega P9. I can really hear the differences in recordings and minor adjustments such as tracking weight and bias setting. There are great levels of detail, I am hearing instruments and subtleties that were not previously apparent .The greatest benefit seem to be the very clear mid and top end which sounds very open but is not bright or fatiguing. Stereo imaging is greatly improved too, much more “out of the box”.
The Cable Talk the Artisan Cables replaced is now used to connect the Rega headphone amp and is a definite improvement there over a fairly standard cable as it was at the top of their range and purchased as NOS, so quite a nice cable.
Thanks again for your excellent service . I am now wondering what an Artisan cable might do for my Sennheiser 598 headphones between amp and headphones?
Best Wishes
[Ultimate Silver Dream interconnects with Cardas RCAs]
Hi Alister,
I hope you are well. I have spent a considerable amount of time listening to these Artisan cables and comparing them to my current Albedo silver cable. I am very happy with what I am hearing and what additional benefits I am getting. Very happy with the purchase. I will certainly be recommending you in the future.
Thanks and Best wishes
May 2014
[Ultimate Digital Dream digital interconnect]
"Hi Alister,
Just to give you an update on the coax cable, it is now fully burnt in and has fitted seamlessly in to my system. The cable is transparent with no particular character, which is excellent.
My system when using CD/ DAC is sounding rather good and your cable has helped to provide engaging music in a huge sound stage with depth, height and breadth. So as you might guess I’m very happy...
Best regards,
[Ultimate WBT interconnects]
"Dear Alister
I would like to add my two-pennies-worth on the cables USD/WBT, (BTW you can quote me if you wish):
When I inserted the USD/WBT I was shocked in what I heard. I have never heard so much MUSICAL detail coming out of my system in a 3-dimensional manner. A true winner by all means. Will be ordering more cables in the future.
K. P. Greece"
April 2014
[Ultimate Silver Dream XLR interconnects]
"Morning Alister
Cables have both arrived safely so all good there.
Early days with the Interconnect but already I would say voices,in particular female voices, are sounding a whole lot sweeter and clearer and there doesn't appear to be any loss of Bass slam which is often a criticism of silver cables.
One question regarding the headphone cable.........there is no obvious indication of right and left orientation on the terminations. Is there any way of telling which is which as I don't want to attach the wrong sides!
[Silver Dream Mark II Headphone cable for Audeze LCD-X]
"It is what the cable sounds like that will make it a success ....or be its downfall......and on that note,even after just a couple of familiar tracks,this cable is spectacular.
One slight misgiving I had before ordering an all silver cable was the effect it would have on bass dynamics and richness of the sound that copper majors on.
I have to say straight out of the starting blocks it has lost nothing......in fact I think the bass may even be a bit fuller and clearer.....and the clarity it brings to the human singing voice is sublime.
Early days yet........ And I know everything has to bed in together for each to reach its full potential but if early signs are maintained or even hopefully bettered then I suspect I am in for a real treat.
I will report back with further observations as and when I think there is something worth saying!?
Thanks Alister.......you are on to a real winner with your silver cables!
Cheers for now
[Ultimate Silver Dream XLR]
"Hi Alister,
thanks for adverting.
I've just received the XLR Silver Cables; great improved since first 4 hours burn between CD player and amplifier: more clarity, a more aerial sound, great improvement in instrumental & voices definition with better depth & spatial; expecially bass and middle bass frequencies have a improvement in precision, with a lovely kick-off and more realistic effect. (Hope my english is quite correct & clear...)."
February 2014
[Ultimate Digital Dream]
"...Even with this brief encounter your cable runs rings around other far more expensive offerings from major manufacturers that I have to hand e.g. Kimber Select KS 2020 at more than double the price. Best regards, Pete"
And later from the same customer:
[Ultimate Digital Dream]
"Hi Alister,
...So here is my view 50 hours later using the cable to connect a dCS Paganini transport to a Paganini DAC connected directly to active ATC 50s via 5M Harmonic Technology Magic II balanced cables :
It is odd writing about the sound of a digital cable. After all it carries no music per se and produces no sound directly. So I can talk only of the consequences of what the cable delivers in the analogue domain of my particular audio system .
The first impression, almost before the music starts, is of a huge, deep and transparent soundstage. Within this are virtually solid images of the performers/instruments, all in correctly scaled proportion to each other.
The cable delivers the widest frequency response without emphasis of any range from the lowest bass to the highest treble. Dynamics are, frankly, astonishing both in respect of range and subtlety. The cable's neutral frequency response coupled to its dynamic mastery produces a lot of excitement, either where large dynamic swings occur ( listen to those fff bass drum thwacks!) or where the artist uses small dynamic changes for emotional effect (previously unnoticed with other cables). Rhythm is just spot on.
String tone, so important to me as a classical music fan, is fabulous, smooth and sweet where needed or gutty and resinous elsewhere. By comparison many other cables result in an almost distorted rendition especially where large forces are involved.
Detail is extraordinary. Never pushed forward, the tiniest sounds become clear but in a completely natural manner.
Putting all of these ingredients together, the whole results in the most musical digital cable heard to date (and that's a lot of cables!). Not musical in a falsely euphonious manner but in a way that produces new insights into just about every recording heard; even those that are most familiar. Furthermore the experience is not just intellectual but very emotional with a real feeling of being in the presence of the musicians and of hearing what they must have intended.
I liked it so much I didn't buy one. I bought two. The second is for my upsampler. However the result of this cable playing straightforward redbook CD is so stellar that the need to upsample at all becomes open to question...
Best wishes
January 2014
[Ultimate Silver Dream mains power cable]
"Hi Alister,
I just got the cable and placed it on my pre-amp (so the benefit, if any, will reflect all sources used).
It replaced an already well designed power cord, optimized for lower consumption devices such as an pre-amp with expensive connectors.
Instantly there is a difference in favor of the Artisan ultimate power cord in soundstage. The soundstage is bigger, deeper and there is a greater accuracy of placement of the instruments.
I also believe that there is better tonality of the instruments and improved clarity but what is most obvious is the soundstage.
I will report how it performs as time passes and as I move it around in different components and systems...
Cheers, Filip"
[Silver Dream interconnect cables]
"...cables arrived on Friday; Burn in Ok.
Test: the sound is very very good in my 2 channel system ( and in my large music room) using first-rate CD ( CD- Hyperion);
superb listening the Organ works - "J.S. BACH- Toccatas and Fugues " by Christopher Herrick Authoritative performances, brilliant/silky sound ....Live music.
Very good Timbre, details, 3D image.
Paolo Orefice"