Feedback 2022
(newest first)
Quick links to some reviews:
Hi-fi Choice Review 2023 here
Hi-fi Choice Review 2014 here Six Moons Review here
Ultimate Audio Review here Head-fi Review here
Hi-fi News Review 2012 here
December 2022
[The Nth Degree Digital with WBT-0110AG RCA to Oyaide SLSB BNC]
"Hi Alister
Just to let you know that the cable arrived yesterday and I got up early this morning to try it out. After a couple of hours it is already revealing detail I have have not experienced in albums I have played for decades, fantastic upgrade, thanks again.
November 2022
[Ultimate Silver Dream analogue interconnects with Cardas SLVR Silver Signature RCA plugs]
"Hello Alistair,
What can I say...wow a truly astonishing cable...eventually.
The most surprising aspect is the change in sound quality after 70hrs of 'burn in'
I never really thought that a cable could run in, I thought it was the brain/ears becoming accustomed to the sound.
I left the cable running for two days whilst away, came back and the sound had cleaned up, bass tightened, so much better, I did have my doubts before this.
A few days on and It keeps on giving.
Just for interest I am using the cable on a 'traditional' system consisting of a Naim cdx2 cd player, Creek Destiny 2 amp and Neat Motive 2 speakers, no streaming here!
I use Wireworld Stratus power cables and Kimber Kable 8vs speaker cables, the Artisan replaces a very expensive Black Rhodium Concert DCT interconnect which will be for sale soon!
Once again I am truly blown away, and doubly pleased as it is a home grown product made in the UK.
Thanks and best wishes,
Phil Ramsden."
September 2022
[The Nth Degree XLR flagship analogue interconnects]
"Hi Alister,
I arrived home and finally had a chance to test out the Nth Degree xlrs.
Very good indeed! The connectors are great and fit very tightly in the components…. Unlike AQ …. I have Mackenzie and Waters…. And they sit somewhat loose in components and on the unlocking end can pull out with almost zero effort.
Sound is very clear…. It took a few hours for them to warm up and for my ears to adjust to the different presentation…. At first they seemed light in the bass…. But…. That was not the case at all….after a few hours… I was very impressed, deep powerful bass and great detailed high…. And very smooth across the spectrum.
I’ll be looking forward to ordering 2 pairs of NthDegree xlrs in the not too distant future!
[Ultimate Silver Speaker Cables (with WBT-0610AG banana plugs)
"OMGG!!!!!!!! Pure silver speaker cables……don’t ask me to prolificate on depth, soundstage, bass extension, magical disappearing acts, finesse, sweetness, clarity etc etc these bloody cables have it all I promise you.
I have their RCA and balanced cables…wonderful and forget bright, I hate bright, edgy, thin, or brittle and their pure silver cables are not biased in this or any other direction IMO…..really nice WBT connections.
August 2022
[The Nth Degree flagship RCA interconnects]
"Dear Alister, it’s really satisfying when you buy a product and it delivers, really delivers and it just makes you feel good.
Some years ago I purchased your USD cardas RCA which has been a great cable.
I was fortunate to be able to acquire The Nth Degree RCA recently and it really is a great cable.
My feet have not stopped tapping, my air drums are faster and my air guitar slashes like never before. Everything described on your website comes out through these cables, it’s like I’ve acquired larger speakers and a sub.
This cable is so revealing you will want to hear all your music collection again as it will sound so much better. A great product from a great company. Thanks Paul"
July 2022
[The Nth Degree flagship analogue XLR interconnects]
"The new cables are bringing out the best in my upgraded system. I’m very happy with them.
I’ve had a couple of audiophile friends round since the cables had time to burn in and one of them was moved almost to tears by the music quality… always a good sign!
Hope you’re well,
May 2022
[The Nth Degree flagship analogue RCA interconnects]
"I currently have the pre- and power-amps connected with your Nth Degree RCA cable and look forward to hooking them up fully balanced. The sound through the Nth Degree is phenomenal - clean, clear and neutral with all the dynamics and soundstage / imaging information intact. Really emotionally involving! So I’m keen to hear it fully balanced!
The T+A DAC8 DSD will be delivered by David from Audio Therapy on Thursday and then the second pair of balanced Nth Degrees will get their time to shine! I’ll be sure to give you my feedback.
All the best,
April 2022
[The Nth Degree flagship analogue interconnects , with Furutech XLRs]
"Hi Alister...
...Not really got that many hours on them, but enough to hear the supreme transparency & utter musicality of your flagship cable.
You have opened the window much wider on my system & I will be ordering another one in the near future.
Many thanks & best regards,
March 2022
[Ultimate Digital Dream, flagship digital cable, with WBT-0110AG RCAs]
"Hi Alister
As promised just a few thoughts on the ULTIMATE DIGITAL DREAM. Prior to receiving your cable i have been using the same cable for seven years, and I thought it was good, wow I was wrong by a long margin. My two boxes have a combined value of around £6000.00 but a £300.00 cable has transformed them. I think you could say that CD replay is only as good as the cable between the two boxes. The Ultimate Digital Dream is so clean and clear it gives the impression of more volume - the music just flows from the speakers with great fluidity and naturalness.
After 60 hrs of burn in I am astounded by the micro detail with so much more time air and space between the notes giving an almost forensic look into the music; this happens in a smooth and cultured way. That is not say say it can’t rock and boogie as well - the bottom end grunt is amazingly detailed, fast and full, the top soars way above with smoothness and texture.
I have Quad 57 electrostatics modified by One Thing Audio - these are powered by Icon Audio MB 345 mono valve amps, I again thought the midrange was almost impossible to improve but everything keeps improving, add to this a cavernous sound stage where the height of orchestral pieces goes well up the back wall.
It is still relatively early days so I think there may be more to come. Needless to say I am in Audio heaven.
One downside to this is ……….. I now lust after The Nth Degree Cable [flagship analogue interconnects], think I might have to go back to work.
Many thanks Alister,
David w"
January 2022
[Ultimate Silver Dream analogue interconnects, with Cardas SLVR "Silver Signature" RCAs]
"Hello there,
Thank you for the speedy dispatch of my order of a pair of your silver rca cables.
I have to tell you that I am truly stunned by the quality of sound I am now getting from my system. I have been using your cables for a couple of weeks now and have definitely decided I am keeping them!
They are replacing a pair of Chord Shawlines which are no doubt fine interconnects on many systems, but which on mine seemed to suck out all of the "fun" from the music. I have an original Quad 11/22 valve system and your cables seem to impart a sparkle and smoothness to the sound which I have been trying to find for a very long time. The difference is most apparent with voices and in the general sound-staging. I really do feel that my system is now complete!
I must praise your company for making these high quality silver interconnects available at such fantastic prices and wish you all the best for the future.
Kind regards,
Stephen C."