Ultimate Silver Stream 2
pure silver USB cable
The Ultimate Silver Stream 2 replaces the previous single & double versions of the original Ultimate Silver Stream, whilst building further on the strengths of those cables.

We were extremely proud of the way the previous model transformed many computer-based systems from audio background into full-blooded audiophile music sources - in many cases becoming the primary source of music in a high-end system.
So why the need for a new model?
Because whilst 95% of customers for the old model enjoyed this joyful transformation, some found that the cables would not function with their equipment.
This incompatibility with certain combinations of equipment was something we tried hard to sort out - but in the end we had to admit defeat.
Time for a ground-up redesign:
We've collaborated with a very experienced contractor (the same people that make our pure silver headphone cables for us) to develop the new cable.
We now have a pure silver USB design that is compatible with nearly every set-up, including those running at extremely high bit-rates.
The shielding is improved - giving superior rejection of outside interference compared to the older cables - and the connectors are now of a much higher quality design.
Every element of the cable has been scrutinized & optimized.
Sound improvements:
We hoped that we'd achieve a cable that sounded as good as the old one, whilst being compatible with a much wider range of equipment.
In fact, to our happy surprise, the new design sounds better than both the single and double versions of the original cable.
It is both smoother and more open at the same time. Tonally, it's hard to fault - it is extremely even-handed all the way from the deepest bass to the airy, open & ultra-natural treble.
All "digitisis" is gone, leaving pure, analogue-like, liquid music.
The new cable also digs deeper into the most subtle detail and ambient information, revealing new, previously unheard subtleties in recordings you thought you knew.
Customer reaction June 2017: "...What surprised me most is, how very natural and musical the sound is...". Full comments here.
Simon's experience illustrates the fact that hi-fi systems are a chain and that information lost at an early stage of the chain cannot be recovered later:
"...All of the ‘bits’ that were previously there, but not properly defined, have come out to play - adding immeasurably to the overall impact of every recording I’ve listened to...". Full comments here.
Hi-fi Choice Review:
The cable has been reviewed by Neville Roberts
in the October 2017 edition of the excellent
Hi-fi Choice magazine (page 120):
"...the harp definitely has a greater presence
through my system & instruments have superior focus
& placement within the soundstage...
...very impressed with the performance of the Ultimate Silver Stream 2."
(Please check out the magazine for the full review.)

Not tried a pure silver USB cable before?
Anyone that's running a computer-based system with a bog-standard USB cable going to their DAC needs to hear this.
It is a critical part of your system and can be an important ingredient in transforming any computer & good quality USB DAC combination to the level of a genuine audiophile source.
It's amazing!
Finally, we are now able to offer different connector sizes
For a long time, many of you have been asking us for this.
We can now offer a choice of full-size, or mini, or micro USB B connectors
(+ a couple of other options for portable set-ups).
Make your choice from the drop-down menu above.
Order the Ultimate Silver Stream 2 pure silver USB cable here.
Please choose the length & connector types required from the drop-down boxes below.
30 days no-quibble trial period:
if these cables don't produce the desired effect in your hi-fi system,
send them back for a full refund.
Choose connectors: